Efekan Can
We have collected for you a full report on everything you want to know about the artist Efekan Can.
a lot of information about him. his age, nationality, religion, academic qualifications, secrets about his personal life, is he married or not.
when did he start his artistic career and what are the works of art that.
He participated in it and presented it and what are the upcoming artworks that he will participate in during the coming period. and many details with a group of new pictures of the artist Efkan Jean.
Efekan Can Religion Age Date Of Birth Nationality
Born: February 7, 1994
Place of birth: Turkey
Age: 27 years old
Nationality: Turkish
His religion: Muslim
Occupation: Actor.
Marital status: unmarried
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 70 kg.
His hair color: brown
His eyes color: brown
Beginning of his artistic career: 2017 until now.
Efekan Can biography and more information
The handsome Turkish star Evkan was a young Turkish actor, born in 1994.
He grew up in Bilecik. Evkan studied and graduated from Bilecik University, majoring in business administration, and continued his postgraduate studies at Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences.
After graduating from Bilecik University with a degree in Business Administration, Evkan Kan came to Istanbul to reach his goal of actin.
began taking acting lessons at Atelier craft, and at Ipek Bilgin School of Acting, while earning a master’s degree in Supply Chain and Management at the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul University where he is fluent in English.
The artist adores music as almost indispensable in his life, and Afikkan Jan who has been making a living as a soloist.
is also a songwriter who can also play guitar, drums, piano and balaclava and uses Instagram and Twitter actively.
The beginning of his artistic career in acting and his most important works
his wife
The star, who came to Istanbul in particular in order to become an actor, took acting lessons at the Kraft Art Institute, and then began his first artistic steps in acting in 2018, when the makers of the Turkish series were announced, Small Murders, to choose modern faces of young men to register to contribute to the That series.
And he took acting exams for them, so he submitted about three hundred modern faces to take the acting exams because the work needed faces of a specific age.
and among them was the star Evican Jean, and after taking many exams for him, he was chosen to play a role in the series of petty murders that was broadcast on Star TV and on the Turkish Fox channel, and he represented in this work a character called Sirha.
the series starring Gökçe Bahadur, Aslihan Gurbuz, Tulin Ozan, Badeh Ishgil and Mert Firat.
Acting in Turkish Drama
In 2019, the artist participated in the Turkish romantic drama series Aziza Azize. directed by Volkan Kocaturk, starring the artist Handa Archil and the artist Bogra Gulsoy.
Efekan Can Series
In 2020, the actor Can contributed to the starring of the Turkish series The Master Öğretmen and embodied in the work the character of a young man named Turgut.
The series began on March 4, 2020 on Fox, starring the Turkish artist Ilker Kaleli, Geren Murray, Serhat Kılıç, Serkan Keskin, Afra Saraç. Oglu, Sherif Erol, the series Al-Moallem, which is issued by Fox TV, MF Yapim, and Med Yapim.
who is a physics teacher. He has a special method of teaching without tools.
that matter pushes the teacher Akef is mortgaging his students in the classroom.
As he uses an explosive device to separate the class from waiting and the school continues. which makes Akef and his students in the class cannot go outside of it